Ayurveda Medicinal Wines and Kashyams (Concentrated Teas)
Class Level – Intermediate to Advanced
This class has open enrollment, so any student can enroll who has already taken classes or has a background in Ayurveda or herbalism. It’s recommended as a continuing education class for practitioners or health and wellness professionals.
Asava and Arishta are very important Ayurvedic preparations that contain naturally generated alcohol, which acts as the medium for active ingredients of the herbs contained in them. In general, they contain only 5% alcohol, which helps the ingredients to penetrate deeply into tissues and act more rapidly than typical powdered herbs. Though these Ayurvedic preparations contain alcohol, they are quite safe to consume.
Kashayam is a famous and widely used dosage form in Ayurveda, a concentrated form of herbal tea. Kashayam refers to water decoction of an herb or group of herbs. After cooking the tea, the liquid is concentrated to four or more times the original strength, and bottled, making the preparation more convenient to store and consume.
Join us in this webinar to discuss the ins and outs of these famous preparations and look at several outstanding examples of these valuable treatments.
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