Did you know you can learn to read personality from facial features? The shape of facial features offers surprisingly accurate and revealing clues to one’s deeper personality!
If you’ve taken previous courses with K.P. Khalsa, you may have had an introduction to Chinese/Ayurvedic face reading. However, this 4-part series teaches an entirely different and much more in-depth system.
This is the most powerful system of deep psychological face reading. K.P. Khalsa was one of only three people who learned this system and was empowered to teach it by the developer. Khalsa states that it is one of the most valuable things he has ever learned for success in business and professional relationships and intimacy. You will use these techniques every day.
Disclaimer for Face Reading for Psychological
In this class we will be studying a face reading system developed during the latter half of the twentieth century. This class is not intended to discriminate against anyone based on how they look, but to educate on the practice of this technique, which many people have found valuable over several decades. The purpose of the practice of face reading is not to “judge” but to “read” the character of a person so you may interact and understand them better. I am teaching what has been taught for decades and hopefully that is what you’ve come here interested to learn because it is really fascinating.
This topic is rarely offered. So take advantage of this opportunity to learn something that will transform your life!
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